Stuff With Fantasy!

Stuff With Fantasy Event

Meet Your Hosts!

We have the most amazing team behind Stuff With Fantasy!

We are committed to connecting readers with new favorite authors and books while also supporting fellow literary magicians, also known as authors. Follow us on social media and on our mailing lists for updates and announcements.

Meet Brooke Clonts

Brooke Clonts Author

Brooke Clonts has a degree in exercise science she's never used, is a self-taught software engineer, left her job as an engineering manager for Adobe to run her own business, and is a wife and mom. She writes sweet fantasy with relatable characters and loves to throw in neurodiversity where she can. You'll find Brooke terrifying her husband at the edge of cliffs, jumping on trampolines, wake surfing, collecting ridiculous amounts of Halloween decor, pretending to be a good dancer, and just being awkward and nerdy in all the best ways. Her books are inspired by places she's lived or trips she's been on. From Peru to Safford, Arizona! And by her own life experiences. Her goal is to help teens who worry they're not good enough realize their potential. Brooke has written and published two books and has one more on the way! Brooke owns and builds the SWF website, manages the Facebook author group, and lurks on the author Discord like a gremlin.

Learn more about Brooke Clonts on their author website.

Meet Madeline Burget

Madeline Burget Author

Madeline Burget is an author of all things fantasy, grim-cozy, and emotionally empowering. As a member of the Asexual community, she strives to represent a more diverse cast of characters in her novels. Currently, she is working on the sequel to Caraway of the Sea, and a few other novella projects to come after the Phoenix Rising series. Madeline can be found cozied up in her jungle of an office, doing her best impression of a pirate guzzling Dr. Pepper like it's rum and eating way too much chocolate in between epic fight scenes. She rarely strays from the comforts of her somewhat creaky yet quaint bungalow nestled within the rolling hills of northern Utah, with her husband and one very grumpy Schnorkie named Merlin. Madeline manages the SWF Discord and helps with the author Facebook Page too, and jumps in everywhere else she's needed. Because she's awesome like that.

Learn more about Madeline Burget on their author website.

Books Written By Madeline Burget

Caraway of the Sea by Madeline Burget
Caraway of the Sea

Meet Eri Leigh

Eri Leigh Author

Eri Leigh Eri Leigh brings her wildest daydreams to life through her writing. Her debut novel, A Queen’s Game, launched the Aithyr Uprising Series, full of court intrigue, dark secrets, and a touch of anxiety to keep things real. The series continues with New Worlds Wake, and Eri’s imagination is always brewing up something new. When she’s not plotting her next twist, Eri is with her D&D group, which has been going strong for nearly ten years. A former cosplayer who brought Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter characters to life, she now channels that same creative spark into her writing. Her husband even built her a custom bookshelf, packed with fantasy novels from authors like N. K. Jemisin and Sabaa Tahir, who continue to inspire her. And through it all, her loyal dog Bella is always close by, usually curled up under her chair while she writes. Eri helps manage the SWF social media pages to ensure readers and content creators know what's happening!

Learn more about Eri Leigh on their author website.

Books Written By Eri Leigh

A Queen's Game by Eri LeighNew Worlds Wake by Eri Leigh
A Queen's Game | New Worlds Wake

Meet Jess Galaxie

Jess Galaxie Author

Jess Galaxie Jess Galaxie writes books, creates videos, and all around enjoys being a nerd. During the day, they work as a content marketing manager for a large enterprise, and by night they write, play Dungeons & Dragons, make cosplays, and much more. Their debut novel, Feathers of Dawn, follows a knight finding love in the dragon that kidnapped him, reshaping his life and putting him on a path of self-discovery. They are currently working on a sequel, titled Armor of Dusk which will come out in late 2024. Identifying as nonbinary, Jess cares deeply about advocating for, and representing the LGBTQIA+ community in their writing. In addition to their hobbies and writing, you may have seen Jess on either their Tik Tok or their Youtube channel, where they tend to talk about their passions and create movie-length video essays about characters they love just a little bit too much. They also have two spoiled house rabbits who cause them all sorts of goofy trouble, but they love them nonetheless. Jess helps manage the SWF Facebook page and Discord so our events run smoothly!

Learn more about Jess Galaxie on their author website.

Books Written By Jess Galaxie

Feathers of Dawn by Jess GalaxieArmor of Dusk by Jess Galaxie
Feathers of Dawn | Armor of Dusk

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